Overnight it clouded over and started raining, taking about 10 degrees off the temprature, (from low 30s to low 20s C) with making for damp but otherwise ideal riding conditions.
The rain brought out a chorus of frogs who called all day as I rode.
(I recall brushing something off me in my half sleep - it may well have been a frog hopping onto my bivvy bag)
The ride was a relatively straight run along wide fire break tracks with occasional detours into bush for some technical riding. The change in conditions had me celebrating - this was the riding I came for. I was in good spirits and making a cracking pace.
Part of the ride followed land recently managed with a prescribed burn. Green shoots emerged from blackened tree trunks - and I found myself remembering calls to holiday this winter in towns affected by the bushfires, and with that mentally comparing the country to places I've seen in Victoria.
One of the little detours passes a granite outcropping and stream. A beautiful place for a rest and a muesli bar.
The drop in temperature also brought the critters out. Kangaroos and wallabies grazed on the fresh growth near the road edge and bounded away as I approach.
Country is a heathland transitioning into an open woodland where the sandy soil transitions to a pea gravel podsol.

Yes its hilly, and the drifts of soft white sand are tricky to navigate, but today I just don't care. It's not a slog anymore. This is the kind of riding.

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